when it’s shared.
Things don't always make sense
Having HOPE creates a desire and a belief that things will change
Who doesn't need a little HOPE right now? Things don't always make sense, but we need to embrace, manifest, and believe that this too shall pass regardless of the circumstances We cannot let fear rob us of faith or shake away our peace.
It makes a dream worth chasing
Without HOPE, nothing makes sense
Having HOPE creates a desire and a belief that things will change. Hope brings out possibilities in ourselves and others. It makes a dream worth chasing.

How it works
Time to hang your Hope Heart and pay it forward! Your kit contains:
2 red 16×16 polyethylene HOPE hearts
2 sets of mounting hardware
2 Brochures
**Remember, each kit includes 2 complete sets, one for you and one to pass on.
1) Hang Your Heart
Decide where you will hang your heart, preferably in an outdoor location for all to see! The hardware enclosedwill allow you to nail the heart to a tree or some large object (not a person) display on your front door, an office door, etc. You can put it wherever it’s appropriate! Have fun with that!
2) Take A Picture
Next, take a picture with you, your family, pets, whoever hung the heart. Send it to us at info@hearthopeconnection.com or just scan the QR Code, which will take you to the website. Load your pictureand your information there.
3) Facebook
Share your photo on our FACEBOOK page (Heart Hope Connection) with the hashtag #hearthopeconnection.
4) Instagram
Share on our INSTAGRAM page.
Our Story
In April of 2020, there was a desire to spread HOPE amongst the chaos and concern around the Covid pandemic, societal unrest and the need to stay connected.
It was essential to emphasize the goodness in others, regardless of differences. It was about joining forces with others to spread HOPE by remaining united, one red heart at a time.
The effort began with the wooden HOPE hearts. From the garage, we cut, painted and shared the wooden hearts, two at a time. The purchaser received TWO hearts, one for the themselves and one to share with a friend, family, business or even a stranger.
As the demand for the HOPE hearts increased, production was moved to a local US manufacturing plant and a durable, polyethylene heart was created. Hope Hearts Kits were being ordered and shipped to purchasers around the country!
Paying it forward is the commitment of Heart Hope Connection. With each kit sold, 15% of all the proceeds were donated to a local charitable “Hope” cause.
The Heart Hope Connection project continues today to spread HOPE.

Make A Purchase. Make An Impact
Pay it Forward
A portion of your purchase impacts a “hope project”.
We at Heart Hope Connection are spearing our efforts to help nonprofits with their own mission.
With each kit sold, 15% of purchase will go to these needed causes.
How can we help your nonprofit? Ask us about personalizing hearts for your organization!