
Stop tiptoeing around the shadows. Step out of the darkness and have faith.

Where would we be without hope?

Hope means there are possibilities. It’s not simply about wishful thinking or remaining optimistic. It means believing that we are a part of the unknown and trusting that things will be ok.
A servant leader squelches fear and trepidation about obstacles that get in the way of possibilities by demonstrating hope through words and actions. Walking the talk of hope shows support for each other, our shared ideas, and our goals.

How does hope manifest itself in your workplace or your journey?

Be an enthusiastic catalyst for change, providing a specific, focused, clear vision of the end goal.
A hopeful leader embraces the possibilities of each person and adds value to their effort.
Instilling hope in others contributes to a dynamic culture, supportive of change.
Living a hopeful life attracts like-minded people excited about the future.
Help others find comfort in uncertainty by expressing that together we’ll be okay taking thoughtful actions and calculated risks.


“It’s more than just me. It’s about us, about we. That is where hope begins.”

We all need HOPE in our lives.

We are created to connect and share. Being of service to others comes from the heart. Random acts of kindness are unexpected and simple, showing care and concern toward others.

Heart Hope Connection is an example of spreading hope and unity throughout the world.
Heart, Hope Connection started with the desire to stay connected and spread a small reminder of hope far and wide. Weather-resistant oversized hearts were created as a way to show love, concern, and hope in any situation.

Help spread hope in your corner of the world. Consider sharing “hope hearts” with others as a fundraiser or share with family and friends. Stay connected with a military member while they are away from home by sending a hope heart their way. Placing hope hearts on a front lawn is a memorable welcome for those returning home after a military tour or long hospital stay. It’s a hope-filled memory that will stay with them forever!

Read more about it here Heart Hope Connection

Start a chain reaction! Share the message of HOPE today!

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Marie has a terrific ability to inspire and mobilize people to action. Her understanding of the connection between body, mind and spirit sets her motivational ministry apart from others because what she imparts is practical, doable and based on Truth.
Steward K. Farley, Senior Pastor
Rhema Christian Center, Lewisburg, WV

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